Category Archives: Completed

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  • Background

AUARA (117B) project supports the Tanzania community to supply safe and clean water in rural and urban areas through providing materials to the people like tanks. Also ensure safety of different sources of water like Springs and rivers by fencing around sources.

Njombe Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (NJUWASA) is the responsible organ to supply water within Njombe town. However, the network is often not reliable, cutting down and breaking of water infrastructures are common. Although Joshoni street in Mjimwema ward is within the Njombe town council, often the neighborhoods do not get piped water supply, especially during dry period (June to December). This affects the households suffer from shortage of water service. 

Due to this situation, many neighbors’ fetch water using buckets from an open spring in the area. Several ponds have been dug to retain water and make it easier for the neighbors to fetch it. In the area, solid wastes are dumped and it is common to see livestock (cows, goats) grazing and some cultivation activities going on. These, significantly increase the risk of the water source to be polluted and hence not being safe for households’ consumption.

  • Objective
  • The main objective of the project was to hand over the protected and constructed three water points connected to the intake for Joshoni community members living near the area. 
  • Insisted the community to protecting the spring area through covering of the intake and ponds, making maintenance in fencing the area;
  • Tested the quality of water in three water points connected to the intake.

  • Beneficiaries, profile

The beneficiaries of the project are those who get water service from the spring area when the piped water is not available. 2,100 people now benefit from the project: 1,500 are neighbors of Joshoni street; 150 students from Mpechi Vocational College and more than 400 students from Mpechi Secondary school.

  •  Impact and sources of verification

The final impact of the project improved the living standards of the community of Joshoni street in Mjimwema ward. Thanks for improving access to clean and safe water in the spring area, the risk of health problems of the community members will be reduced. It will also be easier, safer and faster for the people (mainly children and old people)

Water storage infrastructure in 9 schools in Ludewa

Project Name

Water storage infrastructure in 9 schools in Ludewa

Project Code


Project Donor


Project Budget

Tshs 38,219,240.00

Project timeframe

May 2021 – November 2021.

Project location

This project was located in Ludewa district, specifically in Figanga, Mbwila, Itundu, Kiyombo, Wecha, Lupande Milo, Masaula and Sambala primary schools.

Project beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries of the project are 2779 pupils (1409 girls and 1370 boys), the teachers and some households nearby some of the schools like Masaula, who now count with a reliable source of water.

Project description

The objective of the project was to construct water storage infrastructures and water points in 9 primary schools and connect them to the existing and nearest water distribution networks to improve the access to water in the schools.

The main project activities were 1) the technical assessments, 2) sensitization meetings, 3) Preparation of materials and tools, 4) Construction works and 5) Handing Over Ceremonies in the 9 schools.

Organizations / Businesses / Government Agencies Involved to implement the project

  • AURA
  • Local government authorities of Ludewa
  • Ludewa district

Project Status

Water storage infrastructures have been successfully installed in 9 primary schools, in 2 schools more than initially planned, benefiting 2779 pupils, who now have a better access to a reliable source of water. The project has been completed without any technical complication. Minor challenges with some of the communities in some specific activities included supporting the masons and technical personnel and in trench digging. However, the fact that SHIPO has been working with these communities for 7 years has been a big advantage to the project. Involving RUWASA, Ludewa district and the LGA-s has also been key to ensure the sustainability of the project in the future.

Water Resource Integration Development Initiative (WARIDI)

Improve health and water supplies management to 89,468 people in Tanzania through support of 22 existing Community Owned Water Supply Organizations (COWSOs) in 30 villages of Njombe District Council.

Project Code


Project Donor


Project Budget

Tshs 292,138,856 out of which Tshs 255,239,774 were provided by USAID and tshs 36,899,082 by grantees.

Project Time Frame

Implementation: June 2018 to June 2019

Project Location

This Project was located at 22 villages in Njombe region: Igongolo/Kivitu, Itipingi, Ibiki, JM Makweta secondary school/upami/ilengititu, Ibumila/Ikando, Ikuna, Ninga, Kidegembye, Image, Matembwe, Wanginyi, Lupembe, Igombola, Ikondo, Nyave, Ukalawa, Madeke, Mfriga, Itambo, Iwafi, Lwanzali, Tove-Mtwango, Ikang’asi, Welela, Nyombo, Isitu, Kichiwa and Maduma.

Project beneficiaries

89,468 people part of 22 existing COWSOs.

Project Description

This project addresses issues relating to improvements of water supplies and health in the community through conducting community awareness raising activities and build to all expected/ and registered COWSOs the capacities to manage and govern water resources, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, improving hygiene and sanitation and inclusion of women and youths in community development projects especially in COWSOs formation, registration, formulation, operation and maintenance.


  1. Start-up Activities /LGA and other stakeholders to determine WASH situation at Njombe District Council (initial assessment)
  2. Develop local government authority (LGA) capacity Building Plan for COWSO and Preparation Training Modules
  3. Capacity Building and Implementation of COWSO Action Plan
  4. On-going COWSO District Action Plan

Organizations / Businesses / Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • SHIPO Tanzania
  • LGAs
  • Communities
  • COWSOs leaders
  • Water supply attendants (including artisans)
  • CWST
  • Registrar
  • WARIDI team

Project Status

The Project was successfully completed.

Project report

Mbozi Farmers Livelihood Initiative (MFLI)

Improve the livelihoods of 5,000 smallholder coffee farming households in the Mbozi district through a multi-faceted set of interventions that include milk production, improved Water & Sanitation techs and Energy provisions

Project Code


Project Donor

Heifer Project International (back donor: Starbucks foundation)

Project Budget

Tshs 192,484,000.

Project Time Frame

Implementation: October 2014 to October 2019

Project Location

This Project was located at ten villages( Isansa, Iwalanje, Haterere, Shiwinga, Igamba, Itepula, sambewe, Rungwa, Mpito and Nasama.) in Mbozi district, Mbeya region.

Project beneficiaries

5,000 smallholder coffee farming households.

Project Description

The Mbozi Farmer Livelihood Improvement (MFLI) project will directly target 5,000 smallholder coffee farming households in the Mbozi district of Tanzania to improve their livelihoods through a multi-faceted set of interventions that include income diversification through milk production, improved water and sanitation techniques, and alternative energy provision. Out of the total, 2,000 households will be directly targeted for inclusion in the dairy value chain either through direct provision of livestock (400 total) and/or training (1,600). Project objectives:

Increase income of smallholder coffee farmers by at least 50 percent through the production and sale of milk. This objective was implemented by Heifer.

  • Increase access to water and improve sanitation and hygiene facilities by 25 percent. This objective was implemented by SHIPO.
  • Increase utilization of alternative sources of renewable energy by 35 percent. This objective will be implemented by other partners.

Organizations / Businesses / Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • SHIPO Tanzania
  • Heifer Project International
  • Mbozi district council

Project Status

The Project was successfully completed.

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Well rehabilitation and tank installation at Idundilanga dispensary in Njombe town

Project Name

Well rehabilitation and tank installation at Idundilanga dispensary in Njombe town

Project Code


Project Donor


Project Budget

Tshs 4,415,000.

Local contribution: Tshs  740,000. Auara: Tshs 3,675,000

Project Time Frame

Implementation: October 2020 to December 2020

Project Location

This Project was located at Njombe town, Njombe region

Project beneficiaries

Idundilanga dispensary users and workers, community around Idundilanga dispensary.

Project Description

The objective of this project was to provide Idundilanga dispensary with a reliable supply of water in a sustainable way through:

  • ensuring that the existing well provides enough water to the dispensary and to the local community during the whole year;
  • ensuring that the water from the well is pumped and stored effectively for its use in the dispensary.

Organizations / Businesses / Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • SHIPO Tanzania
  • Idundilanga dispensary leaders
  • Village leaders and the community of Idundilanga
  • Njombe Town Council

Project Status

The Project was completed successfully and handed over to the intended beneficiaries. 

Project report 

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Water supply system in Utengule and Unyangala villages in Makete district

Project Name

Water supply system in Utengule and Unyangala villages in Makete district

Project Code


Project Donor

Makete Lagunak

Project Budget

Tshs 122,927,991.

Local contribution: Tshs  60,627,780. Makete Lagunak: Tshs 62,300,211

Project Time Frame

Needs assessment: July 2019

Implementation: November 2019 to January 2020

Project Location

This Project was located at Utengule and Unyangala villages in Makete district, Njombe region

Project beneficiaries

Householders in Utengule and Unyangala villages

Project Description

The general objective of this project was to provide access to water for the villages of Utengule and Unyangala closer to their households in a sustainable way by January 2020.

For that, the specific objectives were:

  • To assemble/build the distribution lines from the tank to the water points
  • To construct 10 domestic water points in Utengule and 10 domestic water points in Unyangala.
  • To form and train the CBWSO (Community Based Water Supply Organization) for Utengule and Unyangala villages of Makete District

Organizations / Businesses / Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • SHIPO Tanzania
  • Villages/sub-villages chairs, Ward Executive Officer, Ward Councilor, Villages Executives officers, Ward Community Development officer, District Community Development officer

Project Status

The Project was completed successfully and handed over to the intended beneficiaries. 

Project report 


Project Name: Training IDYDC on Hand Dug Well

Project Code: TZNJ085G

Project Timeframe: 9th September 2013 to 21st September 2013

Project Donor: Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care (“IDYDC”)

Project Location: Iringa Region

Project Beneficiaries: Groups and workshop at Iringa

Project Description:

SHIPO and IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care) were agreed to provide training to different groups in Iringa Region for the aim of improving the quality of the manual well digging and well finalization work presently ongoing in Iringa by IDYDC and trained groups.

The key output of this consultancy was to address quality issues and improve gaps existing in the provision of manual well digging and well finalization among 20 young trainees who already have basic ideas on the topics. Specifically: –

  • Theoretic program on geology topics relevant to well digging, well digging and well finalization with rope pump installation
  • Two dug wells with cover and installation of rope pumps done during training.
  • Trainees will be in two teams of max 10.
  • 20 private sector entrepreneurs trained on any new developments in the sphere of manual digging and well finalization with rope pump installation
  • Small report produced by SHIPO after the training with main successes and challenges, including recommendations for improving future programming.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care)
  • Iringa Municipal

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care

Water Aid Ibumila and Ikando

Project Name: SNV COWSO and LGA Strengthening

Project Code: TZNJ086A

Project Timeframe: September 2012 to March 2013

Project Donor: Water Aid

Project Location: Ibumila and Ikando villages in Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: Ibumila and Ikando Communities

Project Description:

SHIPO and WATER AID Tanzania were agreed to implement this project for the aim of Improving water availability to these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando. WATER Aid was the Donor for this project which was implemented by SHIPO.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Ibumila and Ikando Communities.

The project was based on implementing the followings:

  • Establishment of the Community Owned Water Society Ordanisation (COWSO) in these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando
  • Construction of Water intake
  • Building for the water pump
  • Canal water digging and
  • Construction of water tank
  • Construction of 15 water point (domestic points)
  • Fixing Pipes
  • Training on sustaintainabilty of water project, health and environment cleanliness
  • Conservation of water source
  • Construction of rain water harvesting for irrigation
  • Construction of house and fixing gutter for rain water harvesting

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Njombe District Council
  • Ibumila and Ikando village Authorities

Project Status: The project was completed and handed over to Ibumila and Ikando villages.


Project Name: SNV COWSO Strengthening, UNICEF PCA

Project Code: TZNJ087A

Project Budget: TZS 39,230,000/= (Thirty Nine Million Two Hundred Thirty Thousand only).

Project Timeframe: 1st November 2013 to 31st October 2014

Project Donor: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, UNICEF PCA

Project Location: 10 villages of Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: 10 villages of Njombe District (Matembwe, Kidegembye, Idamba, Mfriga, Lupembe, Ihang’ana, Isoliwaya, Image, Igombola, Madeke and Lwanzari).

Project Description:

SHIPO Tanzania and SNV international were agreed to establish and strengthening the COWSOs in 10 selected villages of Njombe District Council to ensure effective and sustainable rural water supply services. SVN was responsible to recruits the Local Capacity Builder (LCB).

SHIPO was responsible to support the CWST in the COWSOs strengthening process. SHIPO shall provide training to the COWSO committees of the 3 revived COWSOs. There was a specific focus on creating COWSOs that are accountable to their constituencies.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Njombe district (Kidegembye, Image, Ihangána, Isoliwaya, Lupembe, Igombola, Mfriga, Matembwe, Madeke and Lwanzari) in consultation with CWST, and LGA in collaboration with SNV advisers to improve Water Points functionality, establish COWSOs, and register them. In implementing this responsibility, the facilitators will carry out the following activities in a timely manner and within the agreed upon number of working days.

And the following was the outcomes:

Well performing and active COWSOs/schemes and registered

COWSOs/schemes increased customer base

COWSOs/schemes with improved tariff setting and revenue collection

COWSOs/schemes with improved financial planning and management

Regular contacts with decision makers at village, Ward and District levels

More equity in resource allocation for different villages covered by schemes

Insight in and proof of behaviour change and general progress through outcome mapping and case studies.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • SNV
  •    Njombe District Council
  • Respectively villages Authority

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to all villages in the project


Project Name: Matowo Water System

Project Code: TZNJ088

Project Budget: 20,539 EURO

Project Timeframe:March 2013 to November 2013

Project Donor: Connect International and Winrock

Project Location: Matowo village, Usuka Ward in Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: Matowo Community

Project Description:

SHIPO, Connect International and Winrock International were agreed to implement this project of Matowo by Improving infrastructures for water at Matowo and also to develop \domestic point in to the intended village of Matowo.

The project was based on connecting main pipe from Dulamu water tank to water tank at Matowo village. Also digging of pipes terrace for transports water from Dulamu village to Matowo village water tank and to distribute to the intended village (Matowo).

Construction/ Improvement of seven (7) domestic point, Also to enabling society / community of Matowo to participate fully to Community Own Water Society Organization (COWSO).

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Connect International
  • Winrock International
  • Matowo Village

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to Community of Matowo.