Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO) is a non-profit making, Tanzanian NGO based in Njombe and operates throughout the Tanzanian mainland. Our NGO is specializing in providing services such as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education, Agriculture and Irrigation, and Environment (Climate change) and has more than 23 years of experience working in rural communities by facilitating projects based on the priorities, needs, and capacities of rural communities as well as the private sector.
Our organization was registered in May 2001 with the Ministry of home affairs under the Society Ordinance Act of 1954 and its establishment was pioneered by three members, namely Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mgina as well as Mr. Protas S. Mwanyika and the office is located 5Kms south of Njombe town along the Songea road.
SHIPO envisions a sustained equitable inclusive living standard of people in Tanzania
To promote sustainable inclusive access of social and economic opportunities, which benefit project participants and contribute to community resilience. We do this through their Participation, Resource Mobilization and Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation.
As an NGO working to improve poor people’s living standard in Tanzania through the WASH and Education sector, we are engaged in a multitude of activities through our projects in a bid to achieve the overarching objective by;
Supporting communities to have sustainable supply and access to safe and clean water. SHIPO does this by using various means of methods to supply water to communities either by low-cost technologies such as boreholes, open wells with rope pumps, gravity water systems, rainwater harvesting systems, Pumping Systems and or hydram water schemes.
Supporting families and communities in improving Sanitation standards by constructing latrines in schools as well as slabs for those latrines. In this area, we are also working as a voicing platform by providing advocacy on issues relating to Hygiene and Sanitation
Working with communities to improve and develop the education and health sectors. Together with communities, we are building structures for classes, staff houses, and dormitories in different levels of education with a view of improving education environment in the country. In the health sector, together with communities and other partners, we are working on improving a health environment by constructing structures for dispensaries and health centers as well as providing health materials.
SHIPO has selected the following values as leading:
- Integrity: We stick to organizational policies, procedures and regulations to live up to our moral and ethical codes
- Accountability: We want to be a reliable and trustworthy partner to internal and external stakeholders and are committed to deliver what we promise
- Flexibility: We respond and adapt adequately to challenges within the organization and in the external environment (dynamic), especially government plans changes.
- Innovative: We are committed to find (new) solutions for emerging challenges and add value for our stakeholders/target group.
- Inclusive: We use a participatory approach in stakeholder involvement and ensuring engagement of marginalized groups
- Water – Water and climate ( Rain water harvesting and tube recharge system)
- Agriculture – e.g Agroecology – restoration of the soil back to its nature, Nutrition
- Environment – Restoration of environment back to its nature
- Education – Capacity building to public institutions (Schools) as part of participants as drivers the success.
We are also running a SMART Training Center which provides training to NGO’s, CSO’s, Institutions, Private Entrepreneurs and Individuals on low-cost water technologies. The training includes tube well drilling, hand-dug wells, piston rope pump production and Installation (Self-supply) and groundwater recharging systems to mention a few. Plastic recycling is part of the project SHIPO experiencing.
Communities to access microcredit loans by establishing microfinance programs that give loans to communities through Community Sacco’s Banks. And normally the loans are given for low-cost water technologies.
We are also running a SMART Training Center which provides training to NGO’s, CSO’s, Institutions, Private Entrepreneurs and Individuals on low- cost water technologies. The training includes tube well drilling, hand dug wells, rope pump production and Installation and ground water
recharging systems to mention a few.
SHIPO core areas of operations are in the Tanzania mainland.
SHIPO works with many like-minded organizations in similar areas of operations in National, Regional and International level. Partners of SHIPO include Connect International, Vopak, ACRA, Winrock Tanzania, Water Aid Tanzania, Aqua 4 All, Rabobank Foundation, Liliane Foundation, Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation (PCF), weWorld International, SKAT Foundation, AUARA, Water Right, SNV, TAWASANET, Dorcas, GIZ, Water-is-life, FOT,and AUARA. We would like to welcome government institutions, organizations, companies, and individuals who would like to work with us in the areas of our expertise.
Organizational structure

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