Category : Community , Completed , Water and Sanitation
- Background
AUARA (117B) project supports the Tanzania community to supply safe and clean water in rural and urban areas through providing materials to the people like tanks. Also ensure safety of different sources of water like Springs and rivers by fencing around sources.
Njombe Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (NJUWASA) is the responsible organ to supply water within Njombe town. However, the network is often not reliable, cutting down and breaking of water infrastructures are common. Although Joshoni street in Mjimwema ward is within the Njombe town council, often the neighborhoods do not get piped water supply, especially during dry period (June to December). This affects the households suffer from shortage of water service.
Due to this situation, many neighbors’ fetch water using buckets from an open spring in the area. Several ponds have been dug to retain water and make it easier for the neighbors to fetch it. In the area, solid wastes are dumped and it is common to see livestock (cows, goats) grazing and some cultivation activities going on. These, significantly increase the risk of the water source to be polluted and hence not being safe for households’ consumption.
- Objective
- The main objective of the project was to hand over the protected and constructed three water points connected to the intake for Joshoni community members living near the area.
- Insisted the community to protecting the spring area through covering of the intake and ponds, making maintenance in fencing the area;
- Tested the quality of water in three water points connected to the intake.
- Beneficiaries, profile
The beneficiaries of the project are those who get water service from the spring area when the piped water is not available. 2,100 people now benefit from the project: 1,500 are neighbors of Joshoni street; 150 students from Mpechi Vocational College and more than 400 students from Mpechi Secondary school.
- Impact and sources of verification
The final impact of the project improved the living standards of the community of Joshoni street in Mjimwema ward. Thanks for improving access to clean and safe water in the spring area, the risk of health problems of the community members will be reduced. It will also be easier, safer and faster for the people (mainly children and old people)

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