Project Name: SNV COWSO Strengthening, UNICEF PCA

Project Code: TZNJ087A

Project Budget: TZS 39,230,000/= (Thirty Nine Million Two Hundred Thirty Thousand only).

Project Timeframe: 1st November 2013 to 31st October 2014

Project Donor: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, UNICEF PCA

Project Location: 10 villages of Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: 10 villages of Njombe District (Matembwe, Kidegembye, Idamba, Mfriga, Lupembe, Ihang’ana, Isoliwaya, Image, Igombola, Madeke and Lwanzari).

Project Description:

SHIPO Tanzania and SNV international were agreed to establish and strengthening the COWSOs in 10 selected villages of Njombe District Council to ensure effective and sustainable rural water supply services. SVN was responsible to recruits the Local Capacity Builder (LCB).

SHIPO was responsible to support the CWST in the COWSOs strengthening process. SHIPO shall provide training to the COWSO committees of the 3 revived COWSOs. There was a specific focus on creating COWSOs that are accountable to their constituencies.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Njombe district (Kidegembye, Image, Ihangána, Isoliwaya, Lupembe, Igombola, Mfriga, Matembwe, Madeke and Lwanzari) in consultation with CWST, and LGA in collaboration with SNV advisers to improve Water Points functionality, establish COWSOs, and register them. In implementing this responsibility, the facilitators will carry out the following activities in a timely manner and within the agreed upon number of working days.

And the following was the outcomes:

Well performing and active COWSOs/schemes and registered

COWSOs/schemes increased customer base

COWSOs/schemes with improved tariff setting and revenue collection

COWSOs/schemes with improved financial planning and management

Regular contacts with decision makers at village, Ward and District levels

More equity in resource allocation for different villages covered by schemes

Insight in and proof of behaviour change and general progress through outcome mapping and case studies.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • SNV
  •    Njombe District Council
  • Respectively villages Authority

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to all villages in the project