SHIPO has more than 23 years (since 2001) of experience in low cost water and sanitation technologies and services. Lessons learned from intensive monitoring and evaluation have been converted in training programs and are shared through the training centre with many local entrepreneurs and local but also international NGO’s.
Courses are designed for maximum involvement of local private sector and direct sales of low cost products to ensure profit based sustainability.

Each training program can be tailor made to meet your demand. Our suggestion

Select products and potential candidates (entrepreneurs)
Wow! Hit the ground running
Introducing new products to an area will always take time because most people like to see that the new products actually work for longer time before they buy them. It is also a challenge to convince government authorities of the benefits of low cost products.

A session where stakeholders (beneficiaries, potential costumers, entrepreneurs, NGO-staff and government authorities) from your project can experience the products in daily use and can speak freely with colleagues from one of the successful implemented sites, will take away a lot of unnecessary fear and resistance towards your project.

SHIPO trainers will train the candidates in theory and intensively in practise. Candidates who complete the training successfully will receive a certificate.

Guidance of trained people on the job
Embedding quality work to make it a day-today routine, requires time and guidance.

Fine tuning on the job
After some time people will become experienced and maybe some common mistakes might slip in to the day to day routine. Also products and services are constantly improving. In fine tuning sessions, SHIPO consultants analyse the work and help to improve it where needed.