Category : Community , Water and Sanitation
From the 6th to the 11th of September, the ToT workshop took place at SHIPO building, Njombe, with the participation of 18 RUWASA project designing team members from the Southern zone: Njombe, Iringa, Mbeya, Songwe and Rukwa regions.

The main goal of the workshop was to train theoretic-practically engineers and technical people from the Southern zone of Tanzania on planning and designing rural water supply networks with the aim of filling in their knowledge gaps and of capacitating them to transfer that knowledge to their colleagues.
Experts from relevant institutions in the sector of water in Tanzania facilitated the training: 2 trainers from the Project Design Department in RUWASA HQ, one trainer from the Water Institute and one trainer from Nyasa Basin Water Board. In addition, an expert from Integrated Engineering Associates (IEA), Cameroon, acted as a coach for trainers and organizers during the training.
The six-day training consisted of 3 days of theory and 3 days of practical work. Common knowledge gaps in reporting and technical issues were the focus of the theoretical part. The practical part started with a site visit to a real project in Nyombo village (Njombe DC). With the relevant data taken from the field, the trainees designed the water supply system. Afterwards, divided in teams, the participants designed projects from their regions. This was done with the close support of the trainers. Finally, each team developed and presented their plan on how the peer to peer learning is going to take place and how they are going to design their projects.

The participants showed a lot of commitment and interest and according to the evaluation, in general, the participants were very satisfied with the workshop as it will help them develop professionally.
Next steps
In the coming months, SHIPO will follow-up and monitor the activities carried out by the different teams according to their action plans. the knowledge-transfer to their colleagues and the quality of the project designs.
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