27 teachers from Madope, Lubonde, Milo, Mlangali, Mawengi and Luana wards benefited from the residential INSET on pedagogical competencies linked to the new syllabus on reading, writing and arithmetic. The training was conducted at SHIPO from 7th June 2021 through 16th June 2021. A total of 24 primary schools were involved in the training that was honored by Mr Joseph Lupogo who represented the Regional Education Officer.

The objective of the training that was facilitated by Vikindu Teachers College was to improve the learning outcomes of pupils in the project schools; thus a need to help teachers to:
- Improve their capacity to teach the trained reading, writing and arithmetic topics
- Identify, prepare and use teaching aids or tools relevant to topic and environment and capacitate other teachers who did not attend the training on these skills and techniques.
- Prepare and capacitate other teachers who did not attend the training on how to teach the trained reading, writing and arithmetic topics and how to prepare lesson plan for their daily teaching/learning process.
- Use different books (text books, supplementary and teachers’ guide) when preparing lesson notes in class and capacitate other teachers on the same

Upon returning to their working stations, the benefiting teachers will use the prepared schedule to apply the newly acquired knowledge and practices.
Both government employed and community hired teachers were regarded during the training. Out of the invited 28, 27(96.43%) participated. They were very grateful for the opportunity and calls for the government and stakeholders to ensure good teaching and learning environment via their collective efforts. Doing so would advance education provision and consequently improve the general school academic performance

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