Category Archives: Ongoing

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280 Mivengi planted by the Neighbours at SHIPO catchment area where the spring leads to Nyakamtwe River

Category : Climate , Community , Ongoing

Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) in Njombe is providing seedlings of different tree species for
free so we could not miss the opportunity of taking some and gathering the neighbours to protect a
water catchment that for the last years is under pressure: maize plantations within the area,
construction of houses, a new fuel station built upstream, pines…

Equipped with hoes and boots, street neighbours, Lumena group members (Environmental group
from Melinze street) and staff working at SHIPO office headed early morning to the catchment area.
The area is quite broad: we started in the swamp and then continued planting along the households
of SHIPO street. 2.5 hours of getting muddy hands, some sweat and connecting with colleagues and
neighbours while doing something meaningful.

It might sound too typical: we need trees to act against climate change. But in fact, that is it: we need
trees. We need them to capture carbon, to protect the water sources, to maintain biodiversity, to
provide food for so many species, to maintain the local (micro) climate, to provide shadow…in fact, to
regenerate the Earth.

But we are aware that exercises like today´s are not enough. We need cooperation and agreements
among community members to manage commons like this water source. This catchment belongs to
two different wards: one of the sides is part of Mjimwema ward, while the other belongs to Njombe
Mjini. Today´s exercise only involved neighbours on one side. Apparently, talking to the other side
about protecting the area brings some tensions: they are different leaders, the land owners do not
live in the area…”changamoto” (challenge). That is why we need Multi-stakeholder Partnerships.
Tuendelee! #ClimateActionNjombe

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Category : Community , Education , Ongoing


1.1. Background information

Mwembetogwa B primary school is one of the schools built by SHIPO in cooperation with the community members of Makambako town ship around 2006 and handed over to the community. In 2007 the school was officially opened starting with pupils who were split from Mwembetogwa making this one to be Mwembetogwa B. Following the good infrastructures built, pupils have been performing better to make so many pupils be selected to join with secondary schools around Njombe Region and through out the country. However since SHIPO handed over the school to the community it has still been maintaining friendship through visitation.

In one of the visits SHIPO managed to learn that there is rapid increase of the number of pupils in the school, but the drop holes are not enough for the increasing number of pupils and even those available are of no good quality, there fore this made SHIPO find a need to support these pupils with building drop holes in cooperation with the community members.

During visits we realized some other things that are going well and some that might need to be considered for rehabilitation and the general school information as shown here bellow;

  • Head teachers name: Frowin o. Haule
  • School registration number: EM. 15709
  • Examination number: PS
  • Total number of pupils 589 (Male 270 and 319 Female)
  • The school has 11 teachers (2 Males and 9 Females)

 2.0 Good things observed;

  • All standard IV,V,VI and VII master 3R.
  • The school have 9 classes to accommodate the available number of pupils.
  • Pupils get lunch while at school contributed by parents as follows;
  • 40 liters of maize to every pupil per year.
  • 14 liters of beans for every pupil per year.
  • 10 liters of rice for every pupil per year and
  • 20,000/= every parent. This helps to buy salt, cooking oil, paying the cooker and the school watchman.
  • They have a borehole as a source of water for uses at school
  • The school have 2 blocks of drop holes, 1 for boys pupils and 1 for girls pupils, each block has 8 drop holes good for pupils use, and more over each block have 1 drop hole for the disabled pupils.
  • Lunch is provided at school through parents contributions (parents contribute maize, beans, rice, salt and cooking oil.

3.0. Challenges observed;

  • The school have 2 blocks of drop holes, 1 for boys pupils and 1 for girls pupils, each block has 16 drop holes to make a total of 32 drop holes in the school but they are not good for pupils use, and do not consider disabled pupils though they are not there in the school.
  • They do not have school library for reference books.
  • They do not have kitchen with dining hall where they can cook and eat.
  • No special room for girls pupils.
  • Books are also a challenge to meet pupils ratio.

4.0. Way forward

 SHIPO as one of the stakeholders in education and child protection, in cooperation with the community members of Makambako have so far started the processes of contraction of toilet at Mwembetogwa B. primary school as one of its contribution to the community in valuing education and child protection.

5.0 Some photos taken at the site

Figure 1&2:  Contraction materials bricks and sand collected

Figure 3: The level of pit latrine dug up

6.0. Conclusion

Activities  for collection of sand, bricks, gravels, stones and building  the pit are still going on by SHIPO masons and  the community members of Makambako town ship as beneficiaries of the project.

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Category : Climate , Community , Ongoing


1.1. Background information

Southern Highland Participatory Organization (SHIPO) is a non-governmental organization based in Njombe Region. The organization works in three Districts which are Njombe, Wanging’ombe and Ludewa, SHIPO also works in partnership with other organizations in and outside Njombe Region in providing services to the community. SHIPO involves it self 100% to help the government in solving different challenges as part of its responsibility to the community, however SHIPO supports local communities in rural and urban in their efforts to improve their standards and alleviate poverty.

Some projects that SHIPO implements include building infrastructures like; class rooms, teachers houses, kitchen with dining halls, blocks of drop holes for pupils and teachers, building health centers, contraction of gravity water systems and bore holes and other simple technologies, provision of education on health, hygiene and sanitation, getting safe water, rain water harvest and retaining water into the ground.

SHIPO also has a long track of records implementing projects in the education and health sectors. HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, gender and good governance are cross cutting issues taken up in all projects.

More than that SHIPO works to struggle against global environmental issues-climate change where as on 16th December 2022, SHIPO with the community of Ilembula, started the process of establishing Moringa tree nursery at Ilembula village in Ilembula ward -Wanging’ombe District. The activity started with the initiation meeting where by a team of organized farmers who were ready and willing to cooperate with SHIPO in implementing the project were identified. Immediately    after the identification of organized farmers, training on nursery preparation was done, this was accompanied by planting of seeds in nursery. On 20th January 2023, the project was introduced to the government authority where by the District representative sent on behalf of the district Executive Director, ward officers, village leaders and members of the group identified during the initiation meeting attended the project introductory meeting at Ilembula ward hall. On 31st January 2023, there was a conduction of training on planting and management of the moringa tree, but also good governance training was done for the purpose of making proper supervision of the project implementation. On 13th Feb. 2023 a surprise visit was done just to see the progress of the project.

        1.2. Objectives of the visit

  • To see how people are motivated with the project by observing their participation in planting seedlings in farms.
  • To validate the supervision processes during distribution of seedlings to group members and leaders.
  • To validate the number of seedlings planted and geographically to know the fields planted with seedlings so as to simplify monitoring activities.

2.0. Achievements

  • People were found planting seedlings at their farms with a very high motivation.
  • People are collecting seedlings from the nursery to their farms ready for planting, is also a sign of motivation of people to the project.
  • 4144 seedlings were already distributed to community members by 14 Jan 2023.

2.1.   Challenges

  • Moringa tree is very much interested by animals like cows and goats some thing that was seen threatening its existence in farms.

2.2. Way forward

  • They went back referring to what was agreed in the training meeting, that if somebody’s cattle will be found eating moringa the owner will be responsible according to set out rules during the training and the owners of farms have fence their farms so as to maintain the safety of moringa trees.

Picture 1: Moringa tree seedlings are packed ready to be taken to the farm for planting, the packing goes hand in hand with registration of the name and number of seedlings taken.

Picture 2&3: Group member at their group farm planting moringa tree collectively & Monitoring of the planted seedlings by SHIPO staffs and community members representatives is going on.

4.0. Conclusion

The planting of moringa tree is still going on at Ilembula ward. The Ilembula village authority and  Ilembula village environmental committee having realized the necessity of moringa tree and the initiatives of the group members towards planting moringa tree, have decided to provide them with an area to plant moringa tree which will be owned by the group it self.

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Boresha Elimu Mbozi 2021 Q1 updates

Boresha Elimu Mbozi, the project implemented by SHIPO in collaboration with Mbozi District Council under the support of Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation (PCF) keeps moving forward. The main activities conducted from January to April 2021 are the following:

Two days refresher training to child protection committees, conducted at village level in 19 villages

The reason behind this activity/output is to improve parents engagement in education process of the children.

SHIPO in collaboration with Gender Desk, Welfare Officers and Community Development officers from Mbozi District, conducted a 2 days refresher training to child protection committees in each village within the project coverage (19 villages). The main purpose of the training were to remind the committees members about their responsibilities and raising and reporting the child abuse cases. This activity reached directly 412 (Males 259 Females 153) child protection committee’s members at village level.

SHIPO together with local government authorities (LGAs) from Mbozi District conducted a refresher awareness creation meeting on child rights among parents and the community members in each of the 20 schools’ villages in five wards.

The output of this was to improve parents engagement in education process of the children. The topics discussed in the meetings were: childs rights, how to keep children safe in their surrounding environment, how to raise child in good manner and safe one, how to engage on their childrens education so as to raise their performance. This activity reached 2,500 (1,500 male, and 1,000 female) parents/community members. The methods which were used during the creation of awareness are public address system, questions and answers and group discussion.


This project targets to help Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) through the provision of psycho-social support and building structures in the community. In addition to that, the project is also incapacitating fostering parents by providing them with Avocados seedling so that they establish their own Avocado farming business that would enable them to get money to help their families. Prior to all these, fostering parents are given training in a proper family upbringing in relation to the project objective.