Category Archives: Community


Project Name: Training IDYDC on Hand Dug Well

Project Code: TZNJ085G

Project Timeframe: 9th September 2013 to 21st September 2013

Project Donor: Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care (“IDYDC”)

Project Location: Iringa Region

Project Beneficiaries: Groups and workshop at Iringa

Project Description:

SHIPO and IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care) were agreed to provide training to different groups in Iringa Region for the aim of improving the quality of the manual well digging and well finalization work presently ongoing in Iringa by IDYDC and trained groups.

The key output of this consultancy was to address quality issues and improve gaps existing in the provision of manual well digging and well finalization among 20 young trainees who already have basic ideas on the topics. Specifically: –

  • Theoretic program on geology topics relevant to well digging, well digging and well finalization with rope pump installation
  • Two dug wells with cover and installation of rope pumps done during training.
  • Trainees will be in two teams of max 10.
  • 20 private sector entrepreneurs trained on any new developments in the sphere of manual digging and well finalization with rope pump installation
  • Small report produced by SHIPO after the training with main successes and challenges, including recommendations for improving future programming.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care)
  • Iringa Municipal

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to IDYDC (Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care

Water Aid Ibumila and Ikando

Project Name: SNV COWSO and LGA Strengthening

Project Code: TZNJ086A

Project Timeframe: September 2012 to March 2013

Project Donor: Water Aid

Project Location: Ibumila and Ikando villages in Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: Ibumila and Ikando Communities

Project Description:

SHIPO and WATER AID Tanzania were agreed to implement this project for the aim of Improving water availability to these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando. WATER Aid was the Donor for this project which was implemented by SHIPO.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Ibumila and Ikando Communities.

The project was based on implementing the followings:

  • Establishment of the Community Owned Water Society Ordanisation (COWSO) in these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando
  • Construction of Water intake
  • Building for the water pump
  • Canal water digging and
  • Construction of water tank
  • Construction of 15 water point (domestic points)
  • Fixing Pipes
  • Training on sustaintainabilty of water project, health and environment cleanliness
  • Conservation of water source
  • Construction of rain water harvesting for irrigation
  • Construction of house and fixing gutter for rain water harvesting

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Njombe District Council
  • Ibumila and Ikando village Authorities

Project Status: The project was completed and handed over to Ibumila and Ikando villages.


Project Name: SNV COWSO Strengthening, UNICEF PCA

Project Code: TZNJ087A

Project Budget: TZS 39,230,000/= (Thirty Nine Million Two Hundred Thirty Thousand only).

Project Timeframe: 1st November 2013 to 31st October 2014

Project Donor: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, UNICEF PCA

Project Location: 10 villages of Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: 10 villages of Njombe District (Matembwe, Kidegembye, Idamba, Mfriga, Lupembe, Ihang’ana, Isoliwaya, Image, Igombola, Madeke and Lwanzari).

Project Description:

SHIPO Tanzania and SNV international were agreed to establish and strengthening the COWSOs in 10 selected villages of Njombe District Council to ensure effective and sustainable rural water supply services. SVN was responsible to recruits the Local Capacity Builder (LCB).

SHIPO was responsible to support the CWST in the COWSOs strengthening process. SHIPO shall provide training to the COWSO committees of the 3 revived COWSOs. There was a specific focus on creating COWSOs that are accountable to their constituencies.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Njombe district (Kidegembye, Image, Ihangána, Isoliwaya, Lupembe, Igombola, Mfriga, Matembwe, Madeke and Lwanzari) in consultation with CWST, and LGA in collaboration with SNV advisers to improve Water Points functionality, establish COWSOs, and register them. In implementing this responsibility, the facilitators will carry out the following activities in a timely manner and within the agreed upon number of working days.

And the following was the outcomes:

Well performing and active COWSOs/schemes and registered

COWSOs/schemes increased customer base

COWSOs/schemes with improved tariff setting and revenue collection

COWSOs/schemes with improved financial planning and management

Regular contacts with decision makers at village, Ward and District levels

More equity in resource allocation for different villages covered by schemes

Insight in and proof of behaviour change and general progress through outcome mapping and case studies.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • SNV
  •    Njombe District Council
  • Respectively villages Authority

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to all villages in the project

Wikichi Hydram

Project Name: Wikichi Hydram

Project Code: TZNJ007

Project Donor: SIMAVI /Connect International

Project Location: Wikichi Village

Project Beneficiaries: Wikichi Community

Project Description:

The project was include the Construction of Intake, Construction of Tank for keeping water for , Construction of Domestic Point (DP), also construction of alternative wells and also to introduce Community Own Water Society Organization (COWSO) at Wikichi Village.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies involved to implement the project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Wikichi Village Authorithy

Project Status:

The project was handed over to the Wikichi village successfully.

Uchindile Latrines

Project Name: Uchindile Latrines

Project Code: TZNJ090I

Project Donor: Green Resource Limited (GRL)

Project Time Frame: 1st October 2015 to January 31st 2016 (4 Months)

Project Location: Uchindile Village, Kilombero District

Project Beneficiaries: Kihata Primary School Students (boys and Girls)

Project Descriptions:

The project based on construction of 2 (two) student Latrines buildings, consisting of 8 drop holes for girls and 8 for boys at Kihata Primary School, Uchindile Village, Together with the community of Uchindile Village.

Organisation/ Businesses/ Government Agencies involved in Implementation of the Project:

Green Resource Limited, Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation (SHIPO), Mufindi District Council

Project Status: The Project completed and handed over to the Uchindile Community

Makungu Community Hall

Project Name: Makungu Community Hall

Project Code: TZNJ090H

Project Donor: Green Resource Limited (GRL)

Project Time Frame: 26th May, 2014 to October 31st, 2014

Project Location: Makungu Village at Mufindi District

Project Beneficiaries: Makungu Community

Organization, Business, Govt agencies Involved in Implementation of the Project
Green Resource Limited (GRL), Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation (SHIPO) and Mufindi District Council

Project Status: The project was completed and Handed over to Makungu Community

Idete Duplex Teachers House

Project Name:Idete Duplex Teachers House

Project Code:TZNJ090G

Project Donor: Green Resources Limited (GRL)

Project Time Frame:  02nd June 2014 to 31st October 2014

Project Location: Idete Village at Mufindi District, Iringa Region

Project Beneficiaries: Idete Community

Project Descriptions: The aim of the project was to support Idete village by constructing Duplex House of Teachers.

Organisations/ Businesses/ Government Agencies Involved in Implementation of the Project: Green Resource Limited (GRL), Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation (SHIPO) and Mufindi District Council

Project Status: The Project completed and handed over to the Community of Idete.

2018 Capacity Building for Local Artisans / Entrepreneurs Is Here Once Again!!

Category : Community

Here we come Again!! ZH2O through SKAT foundation has been supporting a training program organized by SHIPO SMART Centre in Njombe, at the Southern Highlands in Tanzania.

The aim of this year´s training is to reach new artisans and to expand to new areas in Njombe region as well as in the neighborhood regions in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and to provide technical skills to local entrepreneurs in the production and installation of rope pumps and different techniques of manual drilling and hand digging.

The 4-week training will be conducted from the 30th April to the 26th of May at SHIPO. It will consist of a technical part during 2 weeks, 1 week will be optional module and a business part for 1 week.

During the first two weeks the trainees will be provided with the required theoretical background on their respective disciplines i.e. welding and drilling. They will probably be divided into 2 groups of drillers and one group of welders. They will have the opportunity to learn by doing while they are working in teams with the supervision of the trainers. Each welder will produce a complete Rope Pump and group of drillers and diggers will drill one tube well using SHIPO drilling method and dig one well. In addition, they will also be taught on how to combine SHIPO method with jetting. Finally, both welders and diggers/drillers will learn how to properly install a rope pump both in a borehole and in a dug well. The two wells will be drilled and dug nearby SHIPO office; one at a neighbour’s plot, while the other one at a church’s plot, which is considered a good chance for promotion.


The focus of this year’s program is to train new artisans. Some of the artisans belong to existing workshops/drilling groups but most of them are new entrepreneurs who want to start their own business.

New areas, where the SMARTechs have not reached yet, but where there is likely to be strong demand for them were selected. After that, the identification of trainees in those areas was carried out. The different places were visited by the SMART Centre staff and the identified trainees were explained in detail about the goals and conditions of the training. Among the identified artisans, 30 of them have confirmed that they will attend the training. Artisans from Njombe region (Mdandu in Wanging’ombe District, Mawengi in Ludewa District and Bulongwa in Makete district); Iringa region (Igowole, Mafinga, Usokami and Wasa in Mufindi District, and Kilolo in Kilolo District); Ruvuma region (Lilambo in Songea District) and Mbeya region (from Rungwe and Mbozi 3 Districts) will attend the training.

The Training is Organized by SHIPO-SMART Centre in Njombe Tanzania

2018 Child Rights, Protection & Nutrition for School Committees and LGA’s is Here Again!!

Category : Community

The Training aims at bringing debate and knowledge to school leaders and local authorities about crucial social challenges faced in the region that have a direct impact on the education opportunities of the population, such as Child Rights & Child Protection, Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS, Nutrition & Gender.

The Training will take place in April 2018. A 5-day training session will be implemented with 58 participants at SHIPO’s premises in Njombe.

The training will be facilitated  by a consultant coming from KIWOHEDE NGo (which has expertise in Child Rights, Child Protection, Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS) and Nutrition expert.

The participants will include 20 school committees Chairmen, 17 Village Education officers, 4 Ward Executive Officers, 4 Ward Education Officers, 4 Ward Community Development Officers, 4 Ward Religious leaders and 4 district authorities.

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Sanitation week Njombe, February 2018

Category : Community

“House is a toilet” (Nyumba ni choo): this year ́s Sanitation Week had the focus on creating awareness of the negative impact on the environment, on our health and some of our actions, especially open defecation and dumping of solid waste.
As an organisation that works on sustainable solutions to promote hygiene and sanitation in Tanzania, SHIPO decided to join the 2018 Sanitation week in Njombe.

Sanitation week was held from Tuesday 13 th to Saturday 17 th , and SHIPO participated on last day that was Saturday were Njombe DC was guest of honour. Visitors arrived from 9:30 am. Among the first ones there was the district commissioner and her crew. After that, multiple small groups of people, including students from the nearby schools visited the SHIPO exhibition place. They got explanations on the posters and technologies and they had the chance to ask questions. Water filters were especially found interesting; most of their questions involved their functioning and revealed their interest in these technologies. Moreover, the district Commissioner herself purchased one of them.