Category Archives: Community

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BORESHA ELIMU MBOZI project 2020 updates

Boresha Elimu Mbozi project is centered on improvement of parents’ and community engagement in education process of the children; improvement of teaching quality in target schools; increase of school attendance among boys and girls; and improving performance of school management. What follows is a summary of the main results achieved during the last year.

Children protection committees training

5 Child protection committees at ward level and 19 child protection committees were formed and trained through the project support at village level (covering 20 primary schools). Currently 13 (68 %) child protection committees are functional.

Children’s clubs formation and training

Formation and training:

  • 20 health and environment clubs (200 boys and 200 girls) formed and received the training on health and environment
  • 20 child rights/protection clubs (200 b and 200 g) formed and received the training on child rights/protection
  • 20 girls clubs (280 girls) formed and got trained about menstrual hygiene management.

On average 3 meetings were conducted in 20 schools within the project coverage. All 20 clubs undertaken the meetings as follows:

  • 7 schools’ clubs conducted meetings only once
  • 6 schools’ clubs conducted meetings twice
  • 1 school’ clubs conducted meetings three times
  • 3 schools’ clubs conducted meetings four times
  • 2 schools’ clubs conducted meetings six times
  • 1 school clubs conducted meetings seven times.

Improvement of water facilities

Due to the current situation where children fetch water from the downstream, water facilities will be improved.

Teachers training on 3Rs and Improvisation

50 teachers (14 male and 36 female) involved on 3Rs and improvisation training (application of competences of curriculum), capacitated on how to identify, prepare, and use teaching aids or tools relevant to topic and environment. 10 (50%) of schools started/managed to prepare and use teaching aids/tools relevant to the topic and environment.

Training of school committees

171 (99.4%) out of 172 expected committees’ members [118(69%) male and 53 (31%) female] were capacitated on the important issues related to school management and leadership, structure and responsibilities of school management committees (SMCs) and gender mainstreaming for effective and efficient management of the schools. Specifically the training enabled SMCs’ members to acquire knowledge and skills on school management and supervision; perform duties and responsibilities as stipulated in the circular No.1 of 2018; and address challenges associated with cross-cutting issues (specifically gender mainstreaming) in schools.


Category : Community

Following the President’s notice to re-open schools by 29th June 2020; SHIPO adjusted some of its activities to focus on safe re-opening of schools. The re-planning led to implementing activities including:

  • Fabrication and distribution of improved hand washing facilities in all 20 project schools in Ludewa District.
  • Provision of hand wash liquid soap where all the 20 project schools received 25 liters each
  • Installation of water infrastructures to the neediest 6 schools – the activity involved community contributions particularly local materials and labour.
  • Conduction of COVID-19 awareness / sensitization education to all the 20 schools and their associated 15 villages that was done by the use of PA system, printed COVID-19 materials and posters. The sensitization sessions were done by using the specific audios released by the United Republic of Tanzania – Ministry of Health, Community Development, Elderly and Children
  • Printing and dissemination of both posters and the Protocols for safe re-opening of schools to all 20 project schools.

The activities were implemented from mid-June to mid-July 2020 were pupils, parents, teachers and the local government leaders were so grateful for the support from SHIPO and WeWorld

A total of 7617 pupils (3815 boys and 3802 girls) benefited from the undertakings that aimed to combat COVID-19 and ensure their safe stay and learning environment.

SHIPO looks forward to continue working with education and development stakeholders to extend the education endeavors not only to the schools in the project area but the region and our nation at large

Fabricated Improved Hand washing Facilities that were distributed in all the 20 project schools

Water infrastructure installed at Mdete Primary School

Water storage facility installed at Iyunguya Primary School

Mtanzania Newspaper was among the media that released the news showing students using the improved hand washing facilities at Mdete Primary School

Ludewa District School Quality Assurer


Category : Community , Education

     156 teachers from Lubonde, Milo, Mlangali and Mawengi wards benefited from the school based workshops conducted by SHIPO from 24th February 2020 through 11th March 2020. A total of 20 primary school were involved in the workshops that addressed academic and school management themes.

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Category : Community , Education , Health

     The 53.6% stunting rate as far as child nutrition status is referred in the Tanzania National Nutrition Survey 2018 led to Njombe regional nutrition office assembling a special meeting to purposely evaluate the implementation of the regional contract in addressing malnutrition and stunting among children in Njombe.

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Category : Community

    It was Friday 28th February 2020 when the Njombe Regional Commissioner Hon. Christopher Ole Sendeka chaired a regional education stakeholders meeting to discuss some issues pertaining the regional education status.

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Membership in the Netherlands

Category : Community

Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO) has become a member of Partin since December 2019.

Since Partin provides a platform and support for small development organization; SHIPO as a member can participate in such platform by meeting, networking and exchanging ideas so that we are linked in various projects and development opportunities.

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Inservice training on mathematics and science for teachers conducted at SHIPO from 16th to 25th September 2019

Category : Community , Education

60 Mathematics and science teachers of 20 schools in Ludewa District together with 4 Ward Education Officers benefited from the in-service teacher training conducted at SHIPO from 16th to 25th September 2019. Various topics identified as the most difficult were worked upon under the Vikindu tutors’ facilitation.

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Handing over ceremony of a completed kitchen with dining hall facility – 9th September 2019

Category : Community

It took only 33 working days for the Madunda community to get a kitchen with dining hall facility construction completed. This has been noted as a new record in implementation of such projects by SHIPO. Gracing the ceremony, the Mawengi ward councilor Hon. Zembwela Willa stated ‘… develop one needs to struggle; we now have got this structure, we need to move ahead having other things by our own efforts’. He wanted the benefiting community to keep and maintain the infrastructure so that it suits the present and the future generation’

212 parents and around 400 pupils attended the event arranged on the 9th September 2019. The ceremony was colored by choir, local ngoma ‘mganda’ and enthusiastic speeches from invited guests.

Students at Madunda had all reasons to smile as what they were dreaming had come true under weworld sponsorship and with SHIPO and Madunda community collective implementation efforts. They will now enjoy the school meals in the new facility.

Chefs will as well prepare the meals comfortably while serving fuel / fire woods and at the same time conserving environment

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Category : Community

To sensitize their involvement in unions and federation of their parties for people with disabilities in Tanzania at the regional level


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SHIPO conducts a remarkable teacher training on English and Kiswahili subjects – INSET

Category : Community

This training aims at improving the teaching quality of Language ‘English and Kiswahili’ in particular, providing materials and training techniques to grade 3-7 teachers, in order to face the lack of competences in the named subjects, both from teachers and students’ sides. It commenced from the 10th September 2018 and will last up to the 19th September 2018.

Teachers attendance is 100% as all the 60 expected teachers are actively participating in the ongoing training. All the 4 invited Ward Education Coordinators have also attended. At the district level the District School Quality Assurer is here; the District Education Officer “Academics’ officer is representing the DEO. The regional education office is also represented by Mr Stephen Sanga who is representing the REO. A total of 14 caregivers are here taking care of the teachers’ kids; being an observation of the child rights component that the project wishes to realize.

The training is facilitated by Vikindu Teachers College. Two experts from the college were contracted; Mr Philip Mdegela is facilitating English subject while Ms Khadija Semkati is facilitating Kiswahili subject.

Topics been covered were proposed by the beneficiary teachers, compiled by the SHIPO officers and shared to the Vikindu facilitators who prepared training materials in use.

Post the training it is anticipated that:

  • Teachers improve their capacity to teach the trained English and Kiswahili topics to pupils.
  • Teachers will be able to identify, prepare and use teaching aids or tools (per subject and standard level) relevant to topic and environment and capacitate other teachers who did not attend the training on these skills and techniques.
  • Teachers will be able to prepare and capacitate other teachers who did not attend the training on how to teach the trained English and Kiswahili topics and how to prepare lesson plan for their daily lessons.
  • Teachers will be able to use different books (text books, supplementary and teachers’ guidelines) when preparing lesson notes and capacitate other teachers on the same.
  • Teachers will prepare an action plan to be implemented in the school where they will schedule when and how they are going to share the things learnt in the training with their fellow and when and how they will apply the newly acquired knowledge and practices.