156 teachers from Lubonde, Milo, Mlangali and Mawengi wards benefited from the school based workshops conducted by SHIPO from 24th February 2020 through 11th March 2020. A total of 20 primary school were involved in the workshops that addressed academic and school management themes.
Explicitly, the workshops aimed at taking the teachers through the Uwezo test tool that is purposely used to assess the literacy and numeracy skills for pupils that have accomplished standard two curriculum. The Uwezo test tool was adopted from UWEZO Tanzania that prepared it in collaboration with Tanzania Institute of Education and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Furthermore, the workshops enlightened teachers on the new school committee circular no. 1 of 2018 along with their roles and functions
Both government employed and community hired teachers were regarded during the workshops. Out of the invited 161, 156 (97%) participated. They were very grateful for the opportunity and calls for the government and stakeholders to ensure enough teachers are allocated to schools via their collective efforts. Doing so would advance education provision and consequently improve the general school academic performance

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