Category Archives: Water and Sanitation

Water Aid Ibumila and Ikando

Project Name: SNV COWSO and LGA Strengthening

Project Code: TZNJ086A

Project Timeframe: September 2012 to March 2013

Project Donor: Water Aid

Project Location: Ibumila and Ikando villages in Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: Ibumila and Ikando Communities

Project Description:

SHIPO and WATER AID Tanzania were agreed to implement this project for the aim of Improving water availability to these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando. WATER Aid was the Donor for this project which was implemented by SHIPO.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Ibumila and Ikando Communities.

The project was based on implementing the followings:

  • Establishment of the Community Owned Water Society Ordanisation (COWSO) in these two villages of Ibumila and Ikando
  • Construction of Water intake
  • Building for the water pump
  • Canal water digging and
  • Construction of water tank
  • Construction of 15 water point (domestic points)
  • Fixing Pipes
  • Training on sustaintainabilty of water project, health and environment cleanliness
  • Conservation of water source
  • Construction of rain water harvesting for irrigation
  • Construction of house and fixing gutter for rain water harvesting

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Njombe District Council
  • Ibumila and Ikando village Authorities

Project Status: The project was completed and handed over to Ibumila and Ikando villages.


Project Name: SNV COWSO Strengthening, UNICEF PCA

Project Code: TZNJ087A

Project Budget: TZS 39,230,000/= (Thirty Nine Million Two Hundred Thirty Thousand only).

Project Timeframe: 1st November 2013 to 31st October 2014

Project Donor: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, UNICEF PCA

Project Location: 10 villages of Njombe District

Project Beneficiaries: 10 villages of Njombe District (Matembwe, Kidegembye, Idamba, Mfriga, Lupembe, Ihang’ana, Isoliwaya, Image, Igombola, Madeke and Lwanzari).

Project Description:

SHIPO Tanzania and SNV international were agreed to establish and strengthening the COWSOs in 10 selected villages of Njombe District Council to ensure effective and sustainable rural water supply services. SVN was responsible to recruits the Local Capacity Builder (LCB).

SHIPO was responsible to support the CWST in the COWSOs strengthening process. SHIPO shall provide training to the COWSO committees of the 3 revived COWSOs. There was a specific focus on creating COWSOs that are accountable to their constituencies.

The SHIPO (Senior) facilitators were responsible for mobilizing, sensitizing, organising and co-facilitating communities in Njombe district (Kidegembye, Image, Ihangána, Isoliwaya, Lupembe, Igombola, Mfriga, Matembwe, Madeke and Lwanzari) in consultation with CWST, and LGA in collaboration with SNV advisers to improve Water Points functionality, establish COWSOs, and register them. In implementing this responsibility, the facilitators will carry out the following activities in a timely manner and within the agreed upon number of working days.

And the following was the outcomes:

Well performing and active COWSOs/schemes and registered

COWSOs/schemes increased customer base

COWSOs/schemes with improved tariff setting and revenue collection

COWSOs/schemes with improved financial planning and management

Regular contacts with decision makers at village, Ward and District levels

More equity in resource allocation for different villages covered by schemes

Insight in and proof of behaviour change and general progress through outcome mapping and case studies.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • SNV
  •    Njombe District Council
  • Respectively villages Authority

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to all villages in the project

Mapanda Girls Domitory

Project Name: Mapanda Girls Domitory

Project Code: TZNJ097

Project Budget: 39,079,700 (Thirty-Nine Million Seventy-Nine Thousand and Hundred Tanzania Shillings).

Project Timeframe: March 2014 to September 2014

Project Donor: Lyra and GRL (Green Resource Limited)

Project Location: Mapanda Village at Kihansi Secondary School Mufindi District, Iringa Region

Project Beneficiaries: Kihansi Girls Secondary School

Project Description:

The project was based on constructing dormitory for girls at Mapanda secondary school. Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO), Lyra and GRL were agreed to implement this project for the aim of improving education environment at Mapanda Village.

SHIPO was responsible for implementation of the construction activities to final completion. Green Resource Limited was responsible in providing necessary transport of SHIPO masons and officers from Mafinga to Chogo and back.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project:

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Lyra
  • GRL (Green Resource Limited)
  • Mapanda Village

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to Mapanda village at Kihansi Secondary school

Isitu Primary School Rain Water Harvesting system

Project Name: Isitu Primary School Rain Water Harvesting system

Project Code: TZNJ069A

Project Timeframe: February 2011 to November 2011

Project Donor: Connect International

Project Location: Isitu Village

Project Beneficiaries: Pupils at Isitu Primary School

Project Description:

The project was to construct Rain water Harvesting system at Isitu primary school at Isitu village, the project was based on digging four pits for the rain water harvesting system, Also construction of wall, plastering and Installation of rope pump and final to install gutters from roof to the pits which were completed.

Organization/ Business/ Government Agencies Involved to Implement the Project

  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Connect International
  • Njombe DC
  • Isitu Village authority

Project Status:

The project was completed and handed over to Isitu Village.

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Farmer’s Day

The main objectives:

  • To give chance to the Farmers and other stakeholders involved in Agriculture sector in Njombe Region to get the opportunity to experience on innovations in agriculture using SHIPO SMARTechs.
  • Also to use the chance to invite Regional commissioner to learn more about SHIPO, this is after he showed a lot of interest to ground water recharging and he promised to visit SHIPO and learn more about it the time he visited by SHIPO Board members and Management team.

Activities Performed during preparation of the event

  • Preparation and rehabilitation of all SMARTech to be demonstrated during the event with cooperation of Kisangani Group, Uvinjo Group and James.
  • Invited different Stakeholders that are involved in Agriculture sector from private and government.
  • Invited Farmers, and SHIPO trained groups to demonstrate other agriculture tools, drilling and digging techniques.


  • Mr. Lameck Noah, the Assistance Administrative Secretary for Business and Agricultural production, was the guest of honor on behalf of the regional commission. So SHIPO archived its objective of invite the regional commission in SHIPO to learn more about SHIPO SMARTechs, He was so happy about the technologies and he promised to cooperate with SHIPO to make sure the SMARTechs are recognized. See the picture below of the technologies demonstrated during farmer’s day event
  • SHIPO was able to present in front of the guest of honor, the challenges of not having the policy that recognize the SMARTechs so he promised to work on the request.
  • Other Stakeholders from government and Other NGO’s Were able to see the good opportunities in SHIPO for Agriculture activities and also to demonstrate about their products see the pictures below

This event is organized by SHIPO’S SMART Centre in Tanzania.

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Water and Sanitation

We are supporting communities to have sustainable supply and access to safe and clean water as well as supporting families and communities in improving Hygiene and Sanitation by enabling the communities to access and use low-cost-water technologies

Saja Rain Water Harvesting

Project Name: Saja Rain Water Harvesting

Project Code: TZNJ096

Project Donor: Karibu Tanzania

Project Period or Time Frame: January 2014 to August 2014

Project Location: Tanzania, Njombe region, Wanging’ombe District, Saja ward.

Project Beneficiaries: Community of Saja

Project Descriptions:

Project Goals and Objectives:

  • To provide safe and clean water on a sustainable basis to schools in areas with serious water shortages.

Organizations /Businesses / Government Agencies involved in implementation of activities:

  1. Karibu Tanzania
  2. Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)

Project Status: The project completed and handed over to the community of Saja

Magunguli Gravity Water Supply

Project Name: Magunguli Gravity Water Supply

Project Code: TZNJ080C

Project Donor: Winrock International

Project Period or Time Frame:

The start date of this subgrant is 1 st November 2014. The services shall be completed and delivered to Winrock International not later than 30 th September 2015, and shall be generated, delivered and/or conducted in accordance and consistent with the instructions specified in the Statement of Work

Project Location: Project located in Magunguli village at Mufindi District, Iringa Region

Project Beneficieries:  Magunguli Community and all society around Makungu Village

Project Descriptions:

SHIPO will utilize a MUS approach to design an appropriate water supply system with the local community of Magunguli and Mufindi District Authorities, with strong elements of environmental protection, especially around the water source, as well as livelihood considerations for Magunguli and another nearby village. This part of the program will, hence, facilitate the development of two villages and at the same time open up an opportunity for Mufindi District Council to subsequently extend the gravity water system to Makungu and other downstream villages. Also a forestry company “Green Resources Ltd” (GRL), operating in the same area, will have a subsequent opportunity to increase the water supply scheme and get more water for the production of tree seedlings in their nursery, enabling them to increase the assistance of the surrounding communities tree seedlings. In the future, GRL will hence be able to increase the company’s capacity to raise tree seedlings for the local community. GRL is already assisting the community by: a) channeling tree seedlings for private people through the local Tree Grower
Associations (private members of TGA ́s planted 1,000 ha of forest in 2013 with assistance of free tree seedlings from GRL), b) providing improved species of tree seedlings for community forest (1.8 million seedlings provided in 2013/14 production year – a figure that will be raised to 4 million if enough water is available at the GRL nursery in Makungu) and c) Providing training programs to local communities on local nursery activities, raising seedlings, woodlot management, environmental issues, etc. Water supply for the local community of Magunguli will remain the main priority of this project and the water system will be handed over and belong to the village authorities and Mufindi District Authorities. Opening future opportunities of raising capacity for tree seedling production and extending the gravity system to more downstream villages will be considered as additional value to the project fitting into the elements of the MUS approach.

Project Goal and Objective:

To sustainably supply people of Magunguli village with sufficient, accessible and safe drinking water for both domestic and productive usage through the use of an MUS approach. Meanwhile, the project is ongoing, other nearby village will be included in the MUS approach, to most efficiently utilize their already existing water sources for livelihood activities.

Organizations/Businesses/ Government Agencies involved in implementation of the Project:

  • Winrock International
  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Mufindi District Council
  • Ward Authority of Makungu

Project Status: The project completed and handed over to the intended beneficieries who are the Community of Magunguli.

Nundu Water Project

Project Name: Nundu Water Project

Project Code: TZNJ089

Project Donor: Connect International and Vopak

Project Period or Time Frame: 2013 to 2014

Project Location: The project located at Nundu village at Yakobi Ward in Njombe Town Council

Project Beneficiaries: Community of Nundu

Project Descriptions:

Project Goals and Objectives:

To assist the community of Nundu and around the village (Yakobi Ward) in improving their standard of living by providing with them sufficient and portable water within 400m walking distance hence reduce poverty in the village, WASH at schools and Health centres

Organizations /Businesses /Government Agencies Involved in implementation of activities:

  • Connect international
  • Vopak
  • Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)
  • Nundu Village Authority
  • Njombe Town Council

Project Status: The project completed and handed over successfully to Nundu Community


The Mbozi Famers Livelihood project is an integrated project that involves three implementors namely Heifer Tanzania, SHIPO and Mbozi district council. The project main objective is improving WASH services to schools and community by constructing improved latrines to schools, rainwater harvesting systems to ten schools, provision of training to WASH infrastructure caretakers and community water user’s association as well as the provision of WASH awareness education.

The project is being executed into ten villages which are Isansa, Iwalanje, Haterere, Shiwinga, Igamba, Itepula, sambewe, Rungwa, Mpito and Nasama